Go to the speaker section from line number 71 to 130
Find out the below code:
$(“.speaker-pop .lightbox”).html(
‘<a title=”‘ + fudge_script_vars.closewindow + ‘” class=”close”></a>
‘ + data.post_image + ‘
<div class=”speaker-details”>
<h1>’ + data.post_title + ‘</h1>
‘ + post_edit_link + ‘
<p>’ + data.post_content + ‘</p>
<div class=”details”>
<p><span>’ + fudge_script_vars.company + ‘</span>’ + data.company + ‘<p>
<p><span>’ + fudge_script_vars.shortbio + ‘</span>’ + data.short_bio + ‘<p>
<p><span>’ + fudge_script_vars.website + ‘</span><a href=”http://’ + data.website_url + ‘”>’ + data.website_url + ‘</a><p>
<p><span>’ + fudge_script_vars.twitter + ‘</span>’ + data.twitter_username + ‘<p>
<h2>’ + fudge_script_vars.sessions + ‘</h2>
‘ + sessions
From this remove the below code:
<p><span>’ + fudge_script_vars.company + ‘</span>’ + data.company + ‘<p>
<p><span>’ + fudge_script_vars.shortbio + ‘</span>’ + data.short_bio + ‘<p>
Save the file.