How do I remove the ‘Filter by Day’ setting?

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  5. How do I remove the ‘Filter by Day’ setting?

How do I remove the ‘Filter by Day’ setting?

Don’t forget to take a backup of the file prior to any change. We won’t be able to help in case of data loss.

Login to the admin dashboard. Navigate to appearance -> editor menu.

Select Schedule page Template (schedule.php).

At the bottom of the page you will see the line

<li class=”active”>

Before this line place the following code:

<?php if(!empty($session_dates) && count($session_dates)>1) {?>

Add this closing tag <?php }?> before the following line


<div class=”clearfix”></div>

<div class=”sessions list”>

The modified code is below:

<?php if(!empty($session_dates) && count($session_dates)>1) {?>

<li class=”active”>

<a href=”javascript:void(0)” data-timestamp=”0″><?php _e(‘Filter by days’, ‘tyler’); ?></a>

<?php if (!empty($session_dates)) { ?>


<li><a href=”#” data-timestamp=”0″><?php _e(‘All’, ‘tyler’); ?></a></li>

<?php foreach ($session_dates as $session_date) { ?>

<li><a href=”#” data-timestamp=”<?php echo $session_date->meta_value; ?>”><?php echo date_i18n(get_option(‘date_format’), $session_date->meta_value); ?></a></li>

<?php } ?>


<?php } ?>


<?php }?>


<div class=”clearfix”></div>

Then update the file.


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