1) Initially activate child theme as per the below tutorial:
Fudge 2 Theme How to activate a Child theme
2) Open wp-content/themes/fudge2-child/style.css
3) Template Name in style.css shold be fudge-2
4) Activate child theme.
5) Copy wp-content/themes/fudge-2/assets/js/jquery.map.js to wp-content/themes/fudge2-child/js/jquery.map.js
6) Login to the dashboard. Navigate appearance -> editor menu. Select functions.php (Fudge 2 Child: Theme Functions) from the right side of the page.
Add the following code after <?php line
7) Update the file.
8) Open wp-content/themes/fudge2-child/js/jquery.map.js
9) Change markerZoom to 15.
That’s the value you have to adjust to change your zoom.
10) Around line number 93, you can find:
11) Changed the above code with:
12) Save the file.
Note: In order to work you will need more than one point of interest.