Please activate child theme before applying the below changes.
1) Login to the dashboard. Navigate appearance -> editor menu. Select functions.php from the right side of the page.
Add the following code after <?php line
add_action(‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘conferenepro_child_custom_js’);
function conferenepro_child_custom_js(){
wp_enqueue_script( ‘cpt-jquery-child-map’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/assets/js/’, array( ‘jquery’ ), false, false );
2) Update the file.
3) Copy wp-content/themes/conferencepro/assets/js/ to child theme wp-content/themes/conference-pro-child/assets/js/
(Create the folder structure in child theme)
4) Open wp-content/themes/conference-pro-child/assets/js/
5) Around line number 38, you can find:
_checkPlacemerk = function (id) {
var place = _findPlacemark(id);
if (place !== false) {
if (_window.width() >= 767) {
lat: place.getPosition().lat(),
lng: place.getPosition().lng() – delta / markerZoom
} else {
lat: place.getPosition().lat() – deltaY / markerZoom,
lng: place.getPosition().lng()
_map.setZoom(markerZoom);, place);
6) Replace this with:
_checkPlacemerk = function (id) {
var place = _findPlacemark(id);
if (place !== false) {
if (_window.width() >= 767) {
lat: place.getPosition().lat(),
lng: place.getPosition().lng() – delta / markerZoom
_map.setZoom( 18 );
} else {
lat: place.getPosition().lat() – deltaY / markerZoom,
lng: place.getPosition().lng()
}, place);
7) You can adjust zoom value in _map.setZoom function. We have set 18 for desktops now
8) This is a hint. You can adjust zoom value as per your requirement.