How to Add an External link to the top menu.

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How to Add an External link to the top menu.

A popular feature request is to have the top menu linking to external pages. While this can certainly be achieved, we want you to bear in mind:

– This is not how Fudge was conceived. Fudge is a one page theme, it carries all the information one single page. This has been proven to be particularly effective in driving up conversion rates.

– Adding a menu link won’t be straight forward and require some coding

– Menu items will always be displayed after the regular menu, managed by widgets, and specifically after the register button if you have it.

In order to have a menu item showing you need to change two files, header.php and the selected css stylesheet you are using.

1) Please always take a backup of the original file before editing.

2) Copy wp-content/themes/fudge/header.php file to child theme wp-content/themes/fudge-child

3) Open wp-content/themes/fudge-child/header.php and look for this line:

<?php if(in_array('fudge_registration', $sidebars_widgets['sidebar-1'])){?><liclass="register">
 <a class="btn-register secondary-bkg-color" title="<?php bloginfo('title');?>" href="<?php bloginfo('url');?>#registration"><?php echo get_option("fudge_registration_widget_menu");?></a></li><?php }?>

4) Add the following code after the line above: (near line number 67)

<li class="extra-menu"><a title="Link Title" href="">NewLink</a></li>

The end result will look like:

<?php if(in_array('fudge_registration', $sidebars_widgets['sidebar-1'])){?><liclass="register">
                                       <a class="btn-register secondary-bkg-color" title="<?php bloginfo('title');?>" href="<?php bloginfo('url');?>#registration"><?php echo get_option("fudge_registration_widget_menu");?></a></li><?php }?><li class="extra-menu"><a title="Link Title" href="">NewLink</a></li></ul>

Please navigate to Appearance->editor->style.css:

Open stylesheet and add the following code

.extra-menu {margin-left:0;}

Add it anywhere on the sheet after any closing }

If you have a ‘Register’ button – you will need at least 20px margin. The end result will be:

.extra-menu {margin-left:20px;}

7) If the “Register” button is present, there will be some spacing issues. So you need to adjust margin-left of the .extra-menu class.

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