Display all the session on the home page instead of 9 and also display as grid

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Display all the session on the home page instead of 9 and also display as grid

You can display all the session on the home page by following the instruction below:

a) Please do remember to back-up the file, prior to any change.

b) Open wp-content/themes/vertoh/event-framework/components/widgets/widget-schedule.php

c) Around line number 55, you can find:

‘posts_per_page’ => 9,

d) Change this to:

‘posts_per_page’ => -1,

e) Save the file.

For display the session without carousal, please follow the steps below:

1) Copy wp-content/themes/vertoh/components/templates/widgets/ef_schedule.php to wp-content/themes/vertoh-child/components/templates/widgets

2) Open wp-content/themes/vertoh-child/components/templates/widgets/ef_schedule.php

3) Around line number 16, you can find:

<div class=”item <?php if ($i++ == 0) echo ‘active’; ?>”>

4) Please change this to:


5) Please remove the below code around line number 112:

<ol class=”carousel-indicators”>
for ($i = 0; $i < ceil(count($args[‘schedule’]) / 3); $i++) {
<li data-target=”#carousel-sessions” data-slide-to=”<?php echo $i; ?>” <?php if ($i == 0) echo ‘class=”active”‘; ?>></li>

6) Save the file.

7) Go to Appearance->Editor->style.css

@media (min-width: 768px) {
section.fullwidth .carousel-sessions .session.item{min-height:510px !important;}

8) Save changes.

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