1) Please backup the file prior any editing.
2) Open wp-content/themes/fudge/functions/widget-schedule.php
3) Search for “<ul class=”filter track”>”. (around line number 110)
4) Remove the following lines:
<?php /*
<ul class=”filter track”>
<a title=”<?php _e(‘Filter by Track’, ‘fudge’); ?>” data-track=”0″><?php _e(‘Filter By Track’, ‘fudge’); ?></a>
<li><a href=”#” data-track=”0″><?php _e(‘Reset’, ‘fudge’); ?></a></li>
foreach ($session_tracks as $session_track) {
<li><a href=”#” data-track=”<?php echo $session_track->term_id; ?>”><?php echo $session_track->name; ?></a></li>
<ul class=”filter location”>
<a title=”<?php _e(‘Filter by Location’, ‘fudge’); ?>” data-location=”0″><?php _e(‘Filter By Location’, ‘fudge’); ?></a>
<li><a href=”#” data-track=”0″><?php _e(‘Reset’, ‘fudge’); ?></a></li>
foreach ($session_locations as $session_location) {
<li><a href=”#” data-location=”<?php echo $session_location->term_id; ?>”><?php echo $session_location->name; ?></a></li>
</ul> */ ?>
5) Search for
<a class=”btn-less main-bkg-color” title=”<?php echo!empty($schedulelesstext) ? $schedulelesstext : __(‘View Less’, ‘fudge’); ?>” href=”#”><?php echo!empty($schedulelesstext) ? $schedulelesstext : __(‘View Less’, ‘fudge’); ?></a>
<a class=”btn-more main-bkg-color” title=”<?php echo!empty($schedulemoretext) ? $schedulemoretext : __(‘View More’, ‘fudge’); ?>” href=”#”><?php echo!empty($schedulemoretext) ? $schedulemoretext : __(‘View More’, ‘fudge’); ?></a>
(around line number 146)
6) Remove the above lines