How to zoom in the map when clicking on the POI?

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How to zoom in the map when clicking on the POI?

1) Copy wp-content/themes/fudge-2/assets/js/ to wp-content/themes/fudge2-child/js/

2) Login to the dashboard. Navigate appearance -> Editor menu. Select functions.php (Fudge 2 Child: Theme Functions) from the right side of the page.

Add the following code after <?php line

add_action(‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘fudge2_child_custom_js’);
function fudge2_child_custom_js(){

wp_enqueue_script( ‘fudge-child-map’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/js/’, array( ‘jquery’ ), false, false );

3) Update the file.

4) Open wp-content/themes/fudge2-child/js/

5) Around line number 91, you can find:

_checkPlacemerk = function ( id ) {
var place = _findPlacemark( id );
if ( place !== false ) {
if ( _window.width() >= 767 ) {
lat: place.getPosition().lat(),
lng: place.getPosition().lng() – delta / markerZoom
} else {
lat: place.getPosition().lat() – deltaY / markerZoom,
lng: place.getPosition().lng()
_map.setZoom( markerZoom );, place);

6) Please change this to:

_checkPlacemerk = function ( id ) {
var place = _findPlacemark( id );
if ( place !== false ) {
if ( _window.width() >= 767 ) {
lat: place.getPosition().lat(),
lng: place.getPosition().lng() – delta / markerZoom
_map.setZoom( 18 );
_map.panBy(-200, 100);
} else {
lat: place.getPosition().lat() – deltaY / markerZoom,
lng: place.getPosition().lng()
_map.setZoom( markerZoom );
_map.panBy(100, 100);
// _map.setZoom( markerZoom );, place);

7) Save the file.

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