1) Please activate child theme as per the below tutorial. Otherwise you will lose the code changes when you upgrade the theme.
How to activate a child theme.
2) Copy jquery.main.js from khore/js folder and paste in to the child theme. (khore-child/js)
3) Open child theme functions.php and add the following:
add_action(‘init’, ‘removeScripts’);
function removeScripts(){
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘script_enqueuer’ );
function script_enqueuer() {
wp_register_script( ‘khore-script-main’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri().’/js/jquery.main.js’,array(‘jquery’), false, false);
4) Open jquery.main.js from child theme and search for the following:
onInit: function (swiper) {
5) Just above that line please add the following:
6) Update the file.