Thank you for choosing to use the Event Manager Theme, built on WordPress and Genesis.
Helpful links: Genesis Theme Framework WordPress Support
1. How to install and activate the theme
14. Custom Logo for Mobile Website
1. How to install and activate the Theme
- Install the current version of WordPress. Note: Ensure you install the theme in a fresh WordPress install.
- Upload Event-Manager and Genesis into /wp-content/themes, or install the theme on Appearance > Themes > Upload
Note: You can buy the Genesis Framework directly from their site: - Go to Appearance>Themes and click “Activate” on the event theme.
And you’re done! 🙂
If you want more information on installing and activating themes in WordPress, read this article.
How to Update Event Manager
- Create a full website backup: This step is crucial; it will allow you to recover the site in case the update couldn’t be completed.
- Save any custom CSS you have stored under Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.
Note: If your custom CSS is inside a child theme, it shouldn’t be a problem.
- Choose a different WordPress standard theme in the meantime. You can choose one of the WordPress standard themes.
- Delete your parent theme (in this particular case, Event Manager).
- Download the last version of your theme from your account member area.
- Install your parent theme again; the version number should change; you are free to check our changelog.
- Install the classic editor (if you don’t have that plugin already installed).
- Change the settings of your “Classic editor” >> Default editor for all users: Classic Editor.
- Activate your parent or child theme (that will depend on your initial setup).
2. Required Plugins
Once activating this theme, you should be prompted to automatically install three plugins.
The Event Manager Theme Functionality plugin contains the core functionality of this theme and is required. This allows us to provide ongoing improvements and new features easily without interfering with any of your theme customizations. The second plugin is Posts 2 Posts, which allows you to link Sessions and Speakers.
If you haven’t done so already, please install and activate these plugins. There should be a notice at the top of this screen to start the installation.
3. Recommended Plugins
1. Gravity Forms – The best contact form plugin available.
2. Contact Form 7 – The best free contact form plugin available.
3. Genesis Simple Sidebars – Create additional sidebars for specific pages.
4. Genesis Title Toggle – Disable page titles on certain pages.
4. Event Information
Go to the Event Manager Settings section to set up your event’s information.
In the first box (Event Information) you can define the date, location, and registration information. Sample information will already be entered to help guide you.
In the second box (Homepage Introduction) you can add additional content that displays below the site title on the homepage. By default there is two columns of text, but you can change this by clicking the HTML tab. See the Content Columns section below for more information.
In the third box (Footer Text) you can specify the text on the left and right of the footer. Again, there is sample text to help guide you.
5. Menu
To set up the menu at the top of the page, first go to Genesis > Theme Settings and check “Include Primary Navigation Menu”.
Then go to Appearance > Menus, type a “Menu Name” (ex: Primary Menu), then click “Save Menu”. Then in the left column, select your menu from the “Primary Navigation Menu” dropdown.
Now you can add pages to your menu and have them appear at the top of all your site’s pages.
You can also include a search form like the demo site by going to Genesis > Theme Settings, checking “Enable Extras on Right Side”, and selecting “Search form”.
Here is a great tutorial to start with Custom Menus.
6. Homepage and Sidebar
The homepage features three columns of “widget areas”, which allow you to drop prebuilt widgets or text in any order and column you choose. Go to Appearance > Widgets to manage the three widget areas: Home Left, Home Middle, and Home Right.
On the demo site, the sidebars feature the following widgets:
1. Home Left: a text widget with general information about the event.
2. Home Middle: the Genesis – Featured Posts widget to display latest news, and Genesis – Latest Tweets widget for displaying recent twitter updates.
3. Home Right: the Speakers Widget for displaying all the event’s speakers, and a text widget containing images (you can upload them in the media section) of sponsor logos (Width of the logo can’t be more than 290px).
In the Widgets you will Notice on the top right corner a Primary Sidebar Widget. This sidebar shows in each page (or blog post) other than the Press and Registration pages, which have the possibility to change the configuration of widgets.
You can apply the Registration or Press Sidebar configuration to other pages. Here is an example of how to do it with your schedule.
1. Edit the Page
2. Select the desired sidebar configuration here
Click on the Images to enlarge
7. Footer
The footer is made of 3 areas editable in the Appearance>Widgets section.
In the demo site we’ve added a list of our social networking handles by adding the “Connect Widget” and filling in each profile in Footer 1.
In Footer 2 we’ve placed a Twitter Hashtag button. You can do that by adding a “Text” Widget then head to and fill in your details. Then copy the code and paste it in the widget.
In Footer 3 we’ve added a LinkedIn button. We’ve again used a text widget and got our code from
You can choose whatever you prefer, Facebook Like or a Newsletter link.
8. Homepage Rotator
This theme has a built-in image rotator on the homepage, which displays above the three widget areas. It is only displayed if images have been added.
Go to Rotator>Add New and click “Set Featured Image”.
Upload an image, then click “Use as Featured”. The image will automatically be scaled down to 205px tall, so make sure the image is at least that tall.
The ideal width is 307px
You can specify the image order by using the “Order” attribute in the right column (lower numbers come first).
Click on the Images to enlarge
9. Speakers
Go to Pages>Add New and create a page with any name you’d like (ex: Speakers). In the right column, under Page Attributes select “Speakers” as the page template. Publish the page. This creates the page that you can now add to your menu.
To populate the page with speakers, go to Speakers>Add New. Give the speaker a name in the title area and describe the speaker in the editor. Provide the speaker’s website URL and twitter username in the Speaker Details box (both are optional fields). Upload their photo by clicking “Set Featured Image” uploading it then clicking “Use as Featured”. Specify the order in which they are displayed using the “Order” field in the right column. If you’ve created a session that this speaker will participate in, select it in the Connected Sessions area.
10. Schedule
Go to Pages>Add New and create a page with any name you’d like (ex: Schedule). In the right column, under Page Attributes select “Schedule” as the page template (See Speakers to learn how to select a template). Publish the page. This creates the page that you can now add to your menu.
To populate the page with sessions, go to Sessions>Add New. Give the session a title and describe the session in the editor. Under Session Details, select a date, time, and describe the location. The date and time are used for sorting the sessions. Connect a speaker to this session from the Connected Speakers section.
If you’d like to group your sessions (ex: Day 1, Day 2), go to Sessions>Session Groupings and create your groupings. Give each grouping a Name (ex:Day 1) and Description (ex: 23 Nov 2011). Then edit your sessions and add them to the appropiate groupings.
11. FAQ
The FAQ in the demo is built using a standard page (no page template is needed). To link to individual answers:
1. Type the answer as a headline (ex: h3)
2. Switch to HTML view and give it an unique id (ex: id=”answer1″)
3. Switch back to Visual view, type the answer at the top in the Questions section
4. Select the answer, click the Link button, and for the URL put #answer1 (where answer1 is the same as your unique id).
12. Registration
Event Manager Theme has been built to host external event registration widgets to make sure the website is fast and not overly complicated.
The registration page has been built to work with Eventbrite
Go to Pages>Add New and create a page with any name you’d like (ex: Registration).
In the right column, under Page Attributes select “Registration” as the page template. Publish the page.
Below the editor you’ll now have a box that says “Registration Iframe”.
You can drop an iframe from your registration service (ex: EventBrite) and it will automatically be added to the end of the page’s content.
You can obtain the embed code from Eventbrite by creating an event at
Then head to your event dashboard and select Add Ticket Form to Website from the “Promote” section.
Copy the code in the section below and paste it on the “Registration iframe” Box on your Registration Page.
Click on the Images to enlarge
13. Header and Custom Logo
The theme is built to feature a custom logo of 960x100px
You can upload your custom logo under Appearance>Header.
Make sure to select “No” on the “Display Text” option to remove the text.
If you have a logo of a different size than 960px x 100px we do not reccommend to use it as it may compromise the functionality of the theme.
Nonetheless there is a procedure to change the theme functions.php and stylesheet to reflect your preferred height.
Again we do not guarantee full functionality of the theme with the following procedure but you are free to test it out on your website.
While editing the height should not be an issue, using a width of less than 960px may result in some problems. You can test with the procedure below different renderings.
1. Before you begin, please run a full backup of your website. As the following procedure is not part of the theme build it may result in errors.
2. Locate (Appearance>editor) the functions.php file and look for
add_theme_support('genesis-custom-header', array( 'width' => 960, 'height' => 100, 'textcolor' => '333', 'admin_header_callback' => 'sc_admin_style', 'header_callback' => 'sc_custom_header_style' ) );
3. Change only the height to your desired height in pixel – if your logo is 250px tall change “height”=> 250
4. Then go to the CSS (stylesheet.css)
5. Look for #header #title div (near line number 130)
6. Change line-height: 100px; to the same height you set. In the example above your height will be 250 so line-height: 250px;
7. Go to the header section and upload your logo.
If you are not sure about the above procedure we recommend seeking professional advice or to use support if you purchased a support license.
We can’t recommend enough to be extremely careful with the above changes as even the tiniest addition like an extra space could break the site. So please back up.
14. Custom Logo for Mobile Website
If you uploaded a custom logo you may want to add a mobile-friendly version of it to make sure it displays properly.
Here is how to do it:
1. Please create a new logo suitable for mobile devices, we suggest 290px width and 50px height.
2. Upload logo to /wp-content/themes/event-manager-0.9.5/event-manager/images, please not the filename of the image
3. Navigate to (Appearance>editor) the style.css file and look for
/* Resize Site Title */ #header #title { font-size: 48px; line-height: 50px; margin: 20px 10px 10px; }
(near line 1736 )
4. Add this line to this piece of code
background:url(images/logo.jpg) no-repeat !important;
(logo.jpg is the filename of the new logo, if the image is in any other format like png or gif please mention it, eg logo.png, mobilelogo.gif etc)
The end result will look like this:
#header #title{ font-size: 48px; line-height: 50px; margin: 20px 10px 10px; background:url(images/ no-repeat !important; }
5. If the mobile logo height is greater than 50px, please change the line-height (2nd line) to the same height as the logo.
15. Contact
The theme is designed to work with both Gravity Forms (paid plugin) and Contact Form 7 (free plugin). Install the plugin of your choice, build the form in the appropriate section, then create a page and drop the appropriate shortcode in it.
If using Contact Form 7, you might want to customize the HTML of the form itself. Here’s the HTML from the demo site’s form:
16. Content Columns
This theme has Content Columns built-in so that you can create multiple columns of content. For example, the Press page in the theme demo has two columns of content, in addition to the sidebar on the right.
To create multiple columns, click the “HTML” tab on the editor and type the appropriate HTML code. Then switch back to the “Visual” tab and fill those content areas in.
For two columns, use this:
For three columns, use this:
For more information, see How to use column classes.
17. Advanced Customization
If you’re a developer, there are hooks and filters in the Event Manager Theme Functionality plugin so
that you can customize it to your needs.
1. apply_filters( ‘sc_speaker_metabox_override’, ‘__return_true’); will remove the Speaker Details metabox (so that you can create your own)
2. apply_filters( ‘sc_session_metabox_override’, ‘__return_true’); will remove the Session Details metabox
3. cmb_meta_boxes filter can be used to create your own metaboxes.
See the meta-box wiki
and example file
for details
And of course the theme can be completely customized through the theme files.
All future functionality will come through plugin updates, so you are free to tweak the theme.
18. Tutorials
Here are some Event Manager Theme tutorials that you might find useful.
18.1 Header & Logo
18.1.1 How to Place Logo in Header
18.1.2 How to Reduce space between Menu and Logo
18.1.3 How to Adjust Logo Height
18.1.4 How to Change Title Font Size
18.1.5 How to Add a Home Link to Header
18.1.6 How to Add a Home Link in Menu
18.1.7 How to Change the Favicon
18.1.8 How to Display the Home Header Description on all pages
18.2 Rotator
18.2.1 How to Rotate automatically
18.2.2 How to Adjust the Speed
18.2.3 How to Hide the Arrows in Rotator
18.3 Styles
18.3.1 How to Change Header Color
18.3.2 How to Change the Background Color
18.3.3 How to Change General Font Color or Type
18.3.4 How to Change the Menu Items Font
18.4 Sponsors
18.4.1 How to Create the Sponsors like in the demo site
18.5 Speakers
18.5.1 How to Hide Speakers Bio
18.5.2 How to Limit Speakers Bio
18.5.3 How to Show the url and twitter in the Single Speaker page
18.5.4 How to Add a Read More button
18.5.5 How to Show full image in the Single Speaker page
18.5.6 How not to Show the frame in Speakers photos
18.5.7 How to Show a hint with the title of the Speaker
18.6 Schedule/Sessions
18.6.1 How to Place text at the top of Schedule
18.6.2 How to Change Sessions Time Steps
18.6.3 How to Order Sessions Groups
18.6.4 How to Add several commas for several speakers of a session
18.6.5 How to Add a Read More link
18.6.6 How to Replace the word ‘by’ with the word of your choice
18.7 Others
18.7.1 How to Add a Google Map
18.1 Header and Logo Tutorials
18.1.1 How to Place Logo in Header
You can upload your custom logo under Appearance>>Header.
Make sure to select “No” on the “Display Text” option to remove the text.
18.1.2 How to Reduce space between Menu and Logo
If too much blank space is left between the menu and your logo, try this:
1. First please back up the stylesheet.css file before editing.
2. Navigate to Appearance->Editor and locate the stylesheet.css and look for:
#header #title { font-family: Droid Sans,sans-serif; font-size: 100px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 200px; margin: 80px 0 10px -5px; text-transform: uppercase; }
3. Decrease the first value in the margin attribute, for example: margin: 20px 0 10px -5px;
4. Update the file and check the result.
18.1.3 How to Adjust Logo Height
The default header image size is 960×100 pixels. There is no option to change through admin options but it’s possible editing some code in the theme files.
While editing the height should not be an issue, using a width of less than 960x may result in some problems. You can test with the procedure below different renderings.
1. Before you begin, please run a full backup of your website. We will not be able to help if the site has not been backed up entirely.
2. Head to Appearance->Editor and locate the functions.php file and look for
add_theme_support( 'genesis-custom-header', array( 'width' => 960, 'height' => 100, 'textcolor' => '333', 'admin_header_callback' => 'sc_admin_style', 'header_callback' => 'sc_custom_header_style' ) );
3. Change the height to your desired height in pixel – i.e if your logo is 250px tall change “height” = > 250
4. Then go to the CSS (stylesheet.css) and look for #header #title div (near line number 130)
5. Change line-height: 100px; to the desired height
6. Finally go to the header section and upload your logo
18.1.4 How to Change the Title Font Size
If you want to increase or decrease the font size of the title, this is how to do it:
1. First please back up the stylesheet.css file before editing.
2. Navigate to Appearance->Editor, open the style.css file and look for
#header #title { font-family: Droid Sans, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 100px; line-height: 100px; margin: 80px 0 10px -5px; text-transform: uppercase; }
3. Change the value of font size to your desired value, ie font-size: 80px;
4. Update file.
18.1.5 How to Add a Home Link to Logo
Follow the next steps to add a Home link to your logo:
1. Backup your installation files.
2. In the EMTheme folder, add this snippet of code at the end of “functions.php”
add_filter ( 'genesis_seo_title', 'child_header_title', 10, 3 ); function child_header_title( $title, $inside, $wrap ) { $inside = sprintf( '', home_url(), esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ), get_header_image(), esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) ); return sprintf( '<%1$s id="title">%2$s', $wrap, $inside ); }
3. In the same file, “function.php” find (at around line 197)
else echo '';
4. Replace with
//else //echo '';
5. Update file
18.1.6 How to Add a Home Link to Menu
To add a home link to your menu, follow these instructions:
1. Backup your files.
2. Head to Appearance>>Menu
3. Create a new Menu
4. Add a custom link called Home and specify the address of your home
5. Add more menu links by adding pages or categories if you want
6. Save the menu and select the newly created menu as primary navigation menu and save again
Please check out for the video tutorials on net for more clarification. WordPress 3.0 Custom Menus Tutorial
18.1.7 How to Change the Favicon
Just replace wp-content/themes/event-manager/images/favicon.ico with a new one with the same name.
Unfortunately Genesis is a bit tricky with Favicon changing. If you experience any trouble this article will help you: Changing the Favicon
18.1.8 How to Display the Home Header Description on all pages
Remember to back up all files before proceeding.
Navigate to Appearance-> Editor
click on front-page.php and remove the following code
function sc_homepage_intro( $default ) { $text = genesis_get_option( 'homepage_intro', 'social-coup' ); return $text ? wpautop( $text ) : $default; } add_filter( 'genesis_seo_description', 'sc_homepage_intro' );
Click on Update file button
Then select genesis from the ‘Select theme to edit’ drop down
Click on header.php. Add the following line at the top of this page
function sc_homepage_intro( $default ) { $text = genesis_get_option( 'homepage_intro', 'social-coup' ); return $text ? wpautop( $text ) : $default; } add_filter('genesis_seo_description', 'sc_homepage_intro');
18.2 Rotator
18.2.1 How to Rotate Automatically
To activate auto-scrollling follow the next steps:
1. Backup the file “home-rotator.js” located in /wp-content/themes/event-manager-0.9.5/event-manager/lib/js/
2. Open “home-rotator.js” and look for the line autoScrolling:0, (near line 14)
3. Set to something like this: autoScrolling:10,
You can find out more customization options here in the plug-in home page.
18.2.2 How to Adjust the Rotator Speed
To edit the rotator scrolling speed do the following:
1. Backup the file “home-rotator.js” located in /wp-content/themes/event-manager-0.9.5/event-manager/lib/js/
2. Open “home-rotator.js” and look for the line autoScrollingSpeed:2000, (near line 15)
3. Change this value, an integer representing the milliseconds to perform the scroll.
For example, increasing it to autoScrollingSpeed: 8000, will reduce the animation speed.
You can find out more customization options here in the plug-in home page.
18.2.3 How to Hide the Arrows in the Rotator
To hide the arrows in the rotator follow the next steps:
1. Backup the file “home-rotator.js” located in /wp-content/themes/event-manager-0.9.5/event-manager/lib/js/
2. Open “home-rotator.js” and look for this code (near line 24):
jQuery('.jTscrollerPren, .TScrollerNextButton').stop(true,true).fadeIn();
3. Place in front two backslashes “//” to comment it, like this:
//jQuery('.jTscrollerPren, .TScrollerNextButton').stop(true,true).fadeIn();
4. Open the file “jquery.thumbnailScroller.js” located in wp-content/themes/event-manager/lib/js and look for the following function (near line 122)
function AutoScrolling() { $scroller.delay(options.autoScrollingDelay).animate({left:-(totalWidth-$this.width()),top:-(totalHeight-$this.height())},options.autoScrollingSpeed,options.autoScrollingEasing,function(){ $scroller.animate({left:0,top:0},options.autoScrollingSpeed,options.autoScrollingEasing,function(){ autoScrollingCount++; if(options.autoScrolling>1 && options.autoScrolling!=autoScrollingCount){ AutoScrolling(); } }); }); }
5. Replace it with this code:
function AutoScrolling(){ $scroller.delay(options.autoScrollingDelay).animate({left:-(totalWidth-$this.width()),top:- 0},options.autoScrollingSpeed,options.autoScrollingEasing,function(){ $scroller.animate({left:0,top:0},options.autoScrollingSpeed,options.autoScrollingEasing,function(){ autoScrollingCount++; AutoScrolling(); }); }); }
5. Update the file.
18.3 Styles
18.3.1 How to Change the Header Menu Color
The default header text can be changed by selecting a new color in the theme options page in Genesis>>Event Manager Settings.
However, you will have to edit the CSS in order to change other sections of the theme. As in this case, to change the header menu color, do the following:
1. Backup your files before applying any modification.
2. Go to Appearance>>Editor
3. Select the “style.css” file in the right column and look for this code:
#nav li a:hover, #nav li a:active, #nav .current_page_item a, #nav .current-cat a, #nav .current-menu-item a { border-top: 10px solid #f4422e; color: #2b2b2b; padding-top: 12px; }
4. Change the border-top value to reflect your preferred color.
18.3.2 How to Change the Background Color
1. Backup your files before applying any modification.
2. Go to Appearance>>Editor
3. Select the “style.css” file in the right column.
4. Find
#header { background: #fafafa; min-height: 80px; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; }
5. Replace background: #fafafa with the color of your choice.
6. If you want to change the navigation menu color too, find
#nav { background-color: #fafafa; clear: both; color: #686868; overflow: hidden; text-transform: uppercase; width: 100%; }
7. Replace background-color: #fafafa with the color of your choice.
18.3.3 How to Change the General Font Color/Type
1. Remember to backup your files before applying any modification.
2. Go to Appearance>>Editor
3. Select the “style.css” file in the right column.
4. Find (near line 33)
color: #434343; font-family:Helvetica, Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif;
5. Change the value of color or font-family to reflect your needs.
6. Update file.
18.3.4 How to Change Menu Item Font
1. Remember to backup your files before applying any modification.
2. Go to Appearance>>Editor
3. Select the “style.css” file in the right column.
4. Look for this code
#nav li a { color: #686868; display: block; font-family: 'Droid Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 15px; padding: 22px 0 0; margin: 0 36px 0 0; position: relative; text-decoration: none; }
5. Replace the font-family with our preferred font. ie font-family: ‘Metrophobic’,arial, serif;
6. Update file.
18.4 Sponsors
18.4.1 How to Create the Sponsors like in demo
If you like the way we display sponsors in our homepage demo, here is how to do it:
1. Backup your files.
2. Upload your images by heading to Media>>Add new and upload images.
There is no specific size for these images, in normal devices the sidebar width is 290px width, so we can say width 290px and 145px if using two images in a row like we used (sponsor1, sponsor2), and in a suitable height. Once uploaded you will get the url, something like:
3. Navigate to Admin area>>Appearance>>Widgets and add a Text Widget to the Home Right Sidebar area.
4. In the widget add this html code to show the images:
5. Change the src of img tag with the location of your uploaded images and the # of the href tag (<a href=”#”>) with an hyperlink if you want to link somewhere. Otherwise, remove the <a href=”#”> and its closing tag.
18.5 Speakers
18.5.1 How to Hide the Speakers Bio
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Navigate to Appearance>>Editor and open the Speakers Page Template (template-speakers.php)
3. Look for the line: the_content(); (around line number 40)
4. Remove this line or add two backslashes before the line to comment it, like this: //the_content();
5. Update the file.
18.5.2 How to Limit the Speakers Bio
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Navigate to Appearance>>Editor and open the Speakers Page Template (template-speakers.php)
3. Look for the line: the_content(); (around line number 40)
4. Replace with this code:
$content = apply_filters('the_content',get_the_content()); $length = 40; $shortened = implode(' ',array_slice(str_word_count($content,1),0,$length)); $content = $shortened.' ... Read more'; echo $content;
Here 40 is the number of words to show, please change it to your preferred value.
5. Update the file.
18.5.3 How to Show Url and Twitter in the Single Speaker Page
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Open the file wp-content/themes/event-manager/single-sc-speakers.php
3. Look for the line:
echo '
‘ . get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, ‘sc_thumbnail’ ) . ‘
4. Below that add the following code:
$url = esc_url( get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'sc_speaker_url', true ) ); if( !empty( $url ) ) echo '
‘ . $url . ‘
'; $twitter = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'sc_speaker_twitter', true ) ); if( !empty( $twitter ) ) echo '
5. Your new code should now look like:
function sc_speaker_single_image() { global $post; if( has_post_thumbnail() ) echo '
‘ . get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, ‘sc_thumbnail’ ) . ‘
'; $url = esc_url( get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'sc_speaker_url', true ) ); if( !empty( $url ) ) echo '
‘ . $url . ‘
'; $twitter = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'sc_speaker_twitter', true ) ); if( !empty( $twitter ) ) echo '
'; }
6. Update the file.
18.5.4 How to Add a Read More Button
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Go to Appearance>>Editor and open the Schedule Page (template-schedule.php)
3. The code starts like function sc_speaker_loop(){
Just below this line add
global $more;
4. After the following code (line number 26):
( if( $loop->have_posts() ): while( $loop->have_posts() ): $loop->the_post(); global $post; )
Please add this line of code:
$more = 0;
5. Replace line:
the content();
6. Update the file.
18.5.5 How to Show Full Image in Single Speaker Page
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Open the file wp-content/themes/event-manager/single-sc-speakers.php
3. Find (at line 23)
echo '
‘ . get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, ‘sc_thumbnail’ ) . ‘
4. Replace with:
echo '
‘ . get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, ‘full’ ) . ‘
5. Update the file.
18.5.6 How Not To Show a Frame in Speakers Photos
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Open the style.css in the EMTheme folder
3. Add these line at the end of the file
.single-sc-speakers .entry-content .wp-post-image {padding:0 !important;}
4. Update the file.
18.5.7 How To Show a Hint with the Title of the Speaker
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Open the file widget-speakers.php
3. Find (at line 45)
echo '' . get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'sc_speakers_widget' ) . '';
4. Replace this line with
echo '' . get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'sc_speakers_widget' ) . '';
5. Update the file.
18.6 Schedule – Sessions
18.6.1 How to Place Text at the top of Schedule
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Open functions.php and replace (at around line 106)
if( 'template-schedule.php' == $template_file || 'template-speakers.php' == $template_file ) echo '';
if('template-speakers.php' == $template_file ) echo '';
3. Open template-schedule.php
4. Find (at around line 16)
function sc_session_loop_wrapper() {
5. After that line add these lines:
global $post; setup_postdata($post);
6. Find (two rows later):
$terms = get_terms('sc-session-grouping', apply_filters('sc_schedule_term_args', array('orderby' => 'name')));
7. After that line add these lines:
echo '
‘ . get_the_title() . ‘
'; echo '
8. Update the file.
18.6.2 How to Change Sessions Time Steps
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Open the file lib/metabox/jquery.cmbScripts.js in /event-manager-theme-functionality folder in your /wp-content/plugins directory.
3. Find (at line 34)
step: 30
This value represents the minutes, replace 30 with your desired value. For example 5 for a 5 minutes step.
4. Update the file
18.6.3 How to Order Session Groups
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Go to Appearance>>Editor and open the “template-schedule.php”
3. Find this line:
$terms = get_terms( 'sc-session-grouping', apply_filters( 'sc_schedule_term_args', array( 'orderby' => 'name' ) ) );
4. Replace with
$terms = get_terms( 'sc-session-grouping', apply_filters( 'sc_schedule_term_args', array( 'orderby' => 'slug' ) ) );
5. Update the file
6. Go to Session Groupings section, in the left main menu.
7. Change the slug field of your session groupings preceding it with a number. For example, if you had these slugs: morning, afternoon change them to 1-morning, 2-afternoon and Save.
18.6.4 How to Add Several Commas for Several Speakers of a Session
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Navigate to Appearance>>Editor and open the Schedule Page Template (template-schedule.php)
3. Comment or remove these lines: (around line 80 to 85)
p2p_list_posts( $connected, array( 'before_list' => '
by ‘, ‘after_list’ => ‘
', 'before_item' => '', 'after_item' => ' ', ) );
4. Add these lines after
$speakers = ""; $conspekers = $connected->posts; foreach($conspekers as $speaker) { $speakers = $speakers.''.$speaker->post_title.', '; } echo substr_replace($speakers ,"",-2);
5. Update the file
18.6.5 How to Add a Read More Link when Session Content is Too Long
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Navigate to Appearance>>Editor and open the Schedule Page Template (template-schedule.php)
3. Look for the line (near line 80)
$content = get_the_content();
4. Add the following lines after the above line
$length = 20; $shortened = implode(' ',array_slice(str_word_count($content,1),0,$length)); $content = $shortened.'... Read more';
Here 20 is the number of words to show, you can change it to whatever number of words that you want.
5. Update the file
18.6.6 How to Replace the word ‘by’ with the word of your choice
1. Backup the original files before making any changes.
2. Navigate to Appearance>>Editor and open the Schedule Page Template (template-schedule.php)
3. Find the line:
echo '
by ‘;
and change ‘by’ to the word that work best for you, ie ‘with’.
4. Update the file
18.7 Others
18.7.1 How to Add a Google Map
1. Navigate to
2. Find your address and copy the embed code.
3. Add a Text widget to your right sidebar.
4. Insert the embed code inside it. Save.
19. FAQS
Here are some frequently asked questions about the Event Manager theme.
19.1 Can I place an Ad in the Rotator?
19.2 How many pictures can I upload in the Rotator?
19.3 Can I add a lightbox YouTube video in the widget area?
19.4 Is it possible to embed video of multiple/individual speakers in my speaker page?
19.5 Is there a way to have different types of Speakers?
19.6 How can I have two different events with this theme?
19.7 Why the 2-columns set-up is missing in my Press page?
19.8 Why header is not resizing in mobiles?
19.9 My videos are not resizing in mobile devices. How do I get them to resize?
19.10 Session breaklines don’t show in the Schedule, how can I solve this?
19.11 After install site shows in text mode or says there is no stylesheet, what can I do?
19.12 “Not Found, Error 404” in individual speaker page, what can I do?
19.13 The rotator doesn’t show in mobile devices, what can I do?
19.14 Sessions show out of order in the Schedule, how can I solve this?
19.15 How do I put together a three day event?
19.16 Latest Tweets widget is not showing tweets, what can I do?
19.17 Embedding a Vimeo video but it crops, how can I fix this?
19.18 Do you have an affiliate program for this theme if I want to recommend it to others?
19.19 I want to add some images to a text widget but I don’t see the option, what am I missing?
19.20 I can’t see the two column description on the homepage anymore, help!
19.1 Can I place an Ad in the Rotator?
Right now the Rotator supports images only, we don’t have an option to put text. But you can add a text widget on the home with a video or logo using html tags.
19.2 How many pictures can I upload in the Rotator?
There is no limit. You can upload as many pictures as you want.
19.3 Can I add a Lightbox YouTube video in the widget area?
As part of the theme we haven’t any option like that. But if you need it you can try some plugins. These may be helpful:
Please remember we haven’t tested these plugins and we don’t offer support for external plugins.
19.4 Is it possible to embed video of multiple/individual speakers in my speaker page?
To add a new “Video” field to Speaker you could use this plugin:
But please remember we can’t provide support for external plugins.
Then you should edit the “template-speakers.php” file to show the video embed in place of the image. Here you can find instructions about video embedding:
19.5 Is there a way to have different types of Speakers?
You need to create a Speaker categorization (in WordPress this is called a Taxonomy). EMTheme does not provide this particular feature but you can accomplish this with an external plugin like:
Please remember we can’t guarantee external plugins to work and we dont’t offer support for them.
19.6 How can I have two different events with this theme?
Event Manager Theme cannot display multiple events, please see our multiple event template Januas,
19.7 Why the 2-columns set-up is missing in my Press page?
Make sure your Press page template is the “default template” then it will display two columns.
Please enter the content within the <div class=”one-half first”> </div> and <div class=”one-half”></div> tags.
19.8 Why header is not resizing in mobiles?
This theme is mobile compatible, so when opening in a mobile browser it loads with a mobile version of the site. The site will be vertical, single column and the image will crop to optimize. However you can follow this procedure to create an specific logo for mobile devices:
1. Backup the original files before making any changes and be careful while editing.
2. Create a new logo suitable for mobile devices, we can say like 300px width and 50px height.
3. Upload logo to /wp-content/themes/event-manager-0.9.5/event-manager/images, please note the filename of the image.
4. Navigate to Appearance>>Editor, open the style.css and look for this code (near line 1736):
/* Resize Site Title */ #header #title { font-size: 48px; line-height: 50px; margin: 20px 10px 10px; }
5. Add this line to this piece of code:
background:url(images/logo.jpg) no-repeat !important;
(logo.jpg is the filename of the new logo, if the image is in any other formate like png or gif please mention it, eg logo.png, mobilelogo.gif etc)
You should now have a code like this:
#header #title { font-size: 48px; line-height: 50px; margin: 20px 10px 10px; background:url(images/logo.jpg) no-repeat !important; }
6. If the mobile logo height is greater than 50px, please change the line-height (2nd line) to the same hight as the logo.
7. Update the file.
19.9 My videos are not resizing in mobile devices. How do I get them to resize?
If you have embedded these videos through the text editor you might have mentioned width and height for the iframe. Please try the width in percentage.
For example, widht=”95%” instead of width=”640″. Change the percentage value to your needs.
19.10 Session breaklines don’t show in the Schedule, how can I solve this?
Do the following:
1. Please remember to backup your original files and be careful while editing.
2. Navigate to Appearance>>Editor and open the Schedule Page Template (template-schedule.php)
3. Find this code (near line 87)
echo $content;
4. Replace with
5. Update file.
19.11 After install site shows in text mode or says there is no stylesheet, what can I do?
You probably haven’t follow the correct installation instructions, please follow the next steps:
1. Unzip the downloaded file you obtained when buying the theme.
2. Upload first Genesis to your themes folder.
3. Then upload Event Manager.
4. Finally, activate Event Manager.
19.12 “Not Found, Error 404” in individual speaker page, what can I do?
Try to refresh the permalink structure, go to Settings>>Permalinks. This should solve the issue.
19.13 The rotator doesn’t show in mobiles devices, what can I do?
The rotator is not displayed in the mobile version of the theme. It’s the standard theme behaviour.
19.14 Sessions show out of order in the Schedule, how can I solve this?
This is happening because the time was manually set. Session times need to be selected from dropdown and be in the theme format to be recognized.
19.15 How do I put together a three day event?
We recommend you to buy our new Fudge theme, which makes use of a multiple day schedule. By clicking in a certain day all sessions display and you can also filter them by track or location.
You can take a look here, in the Event Schedule Widget section of the Fudge Theme Guide.
19.16 Latest Tweets widget is not showing tweets, what can I do?
Twitter has deprecated their API – as a result Genesis Twitter Widget is no longer working.
We suggest to use – you can see it live in our demo site
19.17 Embedding a Vimeo video but it crops, how can I fix this?
You have embedded a video in the home left column but the size is not appropriate.
The only thing you have to do is to specify a 300×300 width on vimeo when getting the embed code
19.18 Do you have an affiliate program for this theme if I want to recommend it to others?
Yes, we do, here:
Just click on Sign Up and read the terms before registering.
19.19 I want to add some images to a text widget but I don’t see the option, what am I missing?
You should insert the html tag for the image you want to insert, in the text widget.
This is the syntax: <img src=”YOUR_IMAGE_URL” alt=”ALTERNATE_TEXT” />
Where YOUR_IMAGE_URL is the url of the image and ALTERNATE TEXT is a text shown if the image cannot be loaded.
19.20 I can’t see the two column description on the homepage anymore, help!
This usually happens when you remove the tagline from Settings->General – EMTheme needs the tagline in order to display the description
20 – Tickera
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Required Plugins
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Top Menu
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Homepage and Sidebar
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Homepage Rotator
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Event Information
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Speakers
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Schedule
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Registration Page
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – FAQ Page
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Contact Page
- Setting up Event Manager Theme – Footer