Setting up Event Manager Theme - Registration Page

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  5. Setting up Event Manager Theme – Registration Page

Setting up Event Manager Theme – Registration Page

Event Manager Theme has been built to host external event registration widgets to make sure the website is fast and not overly complicated.

The registration page has been built to work with Eventbrite
Go to Pages > Add New and create a page with any name you’d like (ex: Registration).

In the right column, under Page Attributes select “Registration” as the page template. Publish the page.

Below the editor you’ll now have a box that says “Registration Iframe”.

You can drop an iframe from your registration service (ex: EventBrite) and it will automati- cally be added to the end of the page’s content.

You can obtain the embed code from Eventbrite by creating an event at

Then head to your event dashboard and select Add Ticket Form to Website from the “Promote” section.

Copy the code and paste it on the “Registration iframe” Box on your Registration Page.
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