How to Display the Home Page Introduction Text on All the Pages

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How to Display the Home Page Introduction Text on All the Pages

In order to display the Home page introduction text in all the pages, please follow the instructions below:


1. Please backup the original files before editing.

2. Go to Appearance -> editor and open the front-page.php file

3. Remove the following code:

function sc_homepage_intro( $default ) {
$text = genesis_get_option( ‘homepage_intro’, ‘social-coup’ );
return $text ? wpautop( $text ) : $default;

add_filter( ‘genesis_seo_description’, ‘sc_homepage_intro’ );

4. Update the file

5. Then select genesis from the ‘Select theme to edit’ drop down

6. Click on header.php. Add the following line at the top of this page:

function sc_homepage_intro( $default ) {
$text = genesis_get_option( ‘homepage_intro’, ‘social-coup’ );
return $text ? wpautop( $text ) : $default;

add_filter(‘genesis_seo_description’, ‘sc_homepage_intro’);

7. Update the file

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