Is it possible to only show the keynote speakers and not all the speakers on schedule page?

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Is it possible to only show the keynote speakers and not all the speakers on schedule page?

1. Open /wp-content/themes/fudge-2/event-framework/helpers/cpt/sessions.php and search for the following code

if ($speakers_list && count($speakers_list) > 0) {
foreach ($speakers_list as $speaker_id)
$speakers[] = array(
‘post_title’ => get_the_title($speaker_id),
‘featured’ => get_post_meta($speaker_id, ‘speaker_keynote’, true),
‘url’ => get_permalink($speaker_id),
‘post_image’ => wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($speaker_id), apply_filters(‘ef_schedule_speakers_thumbnail_size’, ‘fudge-speaker’))

and replace it with following code and save:

if ($speakers_list && count($speakers_list) > 0) {
foreach ($speakers_list as $speaker_id)

$speaker_key_select=get_post_meta($speaker_id, ‘speaker_keynote’, true);
$speakers[] = array(
‘post_title’ => get_the_title($speaker_id),
‘featured’ => get_post_meta($speaker_id, ‘speaker_keynote’, true),
‘url’ => get_permalink($speaker_id),
‘post_image’ => wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($speaker_id), apply_filters(‘ef_schedule_speakers_thumbnail_size’, ‘fudge-speaker’))



2. Save  changes.

Note:Please keep backup of the file before editing.You need to apply this change after each theme upgrade.


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