- Check your Google API configuration. This sometimes fails because the setting is not using the proper Google Maps API Key (Google Maps JavaScript API).
- Update your theme to the latest version.
- If you don’t have an API Key yet, you need to create a new one or follow these instructions: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
Add your API Key in Showthemes -> Theme Options -> Social API ->
Google Maps API Key.
Do not forget to click on “Save Options”.
- Check if you have added or imported some “Points of interest”.
- Check in the page builder item “Map” itself if you have selected at least one location.
- Check your Google API configuration. This sometimes fails because the setting is not using the proper Google Maps API Key (Google Maps JavaScript API).
Any additional issues? Check this link: Why I can’t see my location in the Google Map? My Google Map is not working.