Display featured image instead of the speakers image on the schedule widget

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  5. Display featured image instead of the speakers image on the schedule widget

Display featured image instead of the speakers image on the schedule widget

Please follow the steps below:

1) Please do remember to back-up the file prior to any changes.

2) Copy wp-content/themes/vertoh/components/templates/widgets/ef_schedule.php to wp-content/themes/vertoh-child/components/templates/widgets/ef_schedule.php if the file is not already exist in the child theme.

3) Open wp-content/themes/vertoh-child/components/templates/widgets/ef_schedule.php

4) Around line number 63, you can find:

<div class=”sessions-images<?php if ($speakers_list && count($speakers_list) > 2) echo ‘ many-images’; ?>”>
if ($speakers_list && count($speakers_list) > 0) {
foreach ($speakers_list as $speaker_id) {
<a href=”<?php echo get_permalink($speaker_id); ?>”<?php if (get_post_meta($speaker_id, ‘speaker_keynote’, true) == 1) echo ‘ class=featured’; ?>>
<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail($speaker_id, ‘vertoh-speaker’, array(‘class’ => ‘scalable-image session-image’, ‘alt’ => get_the_title($speaker_id))); ?>

5) Please replace this with:

<div class=”sessions-images”>

if(has_post_thumbnail( $session->ID )) { echo get_the_post_thumbnail($session->ID); }


6) Save the file.

7) Go to Appearance->editor->style.css

8) Add the following code to the end of the style-sheet:

section.fullwidth .carousel-sessions .sessions-images > img, section.fullwidth .carousel-sessions .sessions-images a {width:100%;}

9) Save the file.

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